Sunday, June 14, 2009

So i havent had a place in my youth group, or anywhere in my chruch for more than a year and a half....(no wait, its been two years now), and it has taken its toll.
I mean, I teach 1st&2nd grade, and i go to youth group, but i dont have a place where i actually belong in my church. I've been praying for a purpose, ever since i wanted to leave the chruch, but was forced to stay. Two long hard years have passed, and now i think i know why God kept me at my church, and its just to leave it, only on His timing instead of mine:)
Let me explain.
Med skeens and his two sons (who are both married and have kids) are starting up a new church in an area of town that is verry rough. They're just getting started and they need a lot of help, so today Med asked me if I would be interested in helping him. And Im so excited!!!! I hope this is what God wants me to do, because that would be absolutely amazing!
